A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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 362 THE THEORY OF SCREWS. [333, will have (§ 326) its corresponding impulsive screw defined by the equations + eary = p2 + a2 ; — eay2 = + ebys = azn - bz3 - (2; - ebyt = + ec% = cy0 - ay0 - l22; - ecye = - ay0- cy3 -122. By substituting these in the equations just given, we obtain pi ~ a2; az3 + bz3 -l32; az0 - bza -I» a2 - pi2 a b a 2 — az0 - bz0 + l32 al±Pl+B’ a a2 - Pi3 a cy0 - ay0 - l-2 a1 ~ Pi a aP + pi2 , B„ a c ay^ + cy„ -4-I? aa - Pi a a c In like manner from the screw on U 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 we obtain + a-j/j = az0 - bz0 - l32; + bys = pi + ; - cry = bx„ - cx0 — I2; - ay2 = — az3 — bz0 - l3; - byt = p2 - b2; - c-rf = bx0 + C«o — I2. for ->), we Introducing these into the equations azy-bzy-ls2 B have &+ps_A b ~A az0 + bz3 4-12 a b‘‘~P2--A' b ~A (izq • bzü l32 a „ az0 + bz0 + li2 a — cx0 c aza — bz0 —ls2 + B‘ a az,, + bz0 + ls2 a a — bx„ — cXf, + (2 c (iZq bz0 l32 (izq 4- bZfi -f~ l3 a a Thus we have eight equations while there are nine co-ordinates of the rigid body. This ambiguity was, however, to be expected because, as proved in § 306, there is a singly infinite number of rigid bodies which stand to the two cylindroids in the desired relation. The equations, however, contain one short of the total number of co- ordinates ; æ0, y0, zQ, (2, I.2, l32, p2, p2 are all present but p2 is absent.