A Treatise on the Theory of Screws
Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball
År: 1900
Forlag: The University Press
Sted: Cambride
Sider: 544
UDK: 531.1
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one type. Each object in one system has one correspondent in the other
system. But if X be regarded as belonging to the system B, its correspondent
in A will not be Y, but some other object, Y .
To investigate this correspondence we shall represent the objects by
their correlated points in space. We take x„ x2, xs, x, as the co-ordinates
of a point corresponding to x, and ylt y2, ys, y4 as the co-ordinates of the
point corresponding to y: We are then to have an unique correspondence
between x and y, and we proceed to study the conditions necessary if this
be complied with.
416. Deduction of the Equations of Transformation.
All the points in a plane L, taken as x points, must have as theii
correspondents the points also of a plane; for, suppose that the corre-
spondents formed a surface of the nth degree, then three planes will have
three surfaces of the nth degree as their correspondents, and all their ?i3
intersections regarded as points in the second system will have but the
single intersection of the three planes as their correspondent in the first
system. But unless n = 1 this does not accord with the assumption that the
correspondence is to be universally of the one-to-one type. Hence we see
that to a plane of the first system must correspond a plane of the second
system, and vice versd.
Let the plane in the second system be
+ ^22/2 + = 0-
If we seek its corresponding plane in the first system, we must substitute
for 2/1, y2, y«> the corresponding functions of xlt x2, x3, xt. Now, unless
these are homogeneous linear expressions, we shall not find that this remains
a plane. Hence we see that the relations between xlt x2, xz,xt and ylt y2, ys> yt
must be of the following type where (11), (12), &c., are constants:
yr = (11) a?! + (12) x2 + (13) x3 + (14) xit
y2 = (21) xl + (22) x2 + (23) x3 + (24) xit
y3 = (31) xt + (32) x2 + (33) x3 + (34) xit
yi = (41) + (42) x2 + (43) x3 + (44) x,.
Such are the equations expressing the general homographic transformation
of the objects of a content. From the general theory, however, we now
proceed to specialize one particular kind of homographic transformation.
It is suggested by the notion of a displacement in ordinary space. Ihe
displacement of a rigid system is only equivalent to a homographic trans-
formation of all its points, conducted under the condition that the distance
between every pair of points shall remain unaltered (see p. 2). In our extended
conceptions we now study the possible homographic transformations of a