graphically, it follows that XX' and YY' are both generators. We there-
fore find that after the two vectors all the right generators remain as before,
and so do also two left generators, i.e. the result of the two vectors could
have been attained by a single vector homonymous therewith.
429. Geometrical proof of the Law of Permutability of Hetero-
nymous Vectors.
Let AB and A'B' be a pair of right generators (fig. 49), and CD and
C'D' a pair of left generators. Let the right vector convey P to Q, and
Fig. 49.
then let the left vector carry Q to the final position P'. We shall now show
that P' would have been equally reached if P had gone first to R, so that
intervene PR = QP', and that then R was conveyed by the vector, RB'B,
through a distance equal to PQ.
Draw through P the transversal PRCC'. Take R, so that
(PRCC') = (QP'DD'y,
but, because this relation holds,
PQ, RP', CD, C'D'
must all lie on the same hyperboloid.
Therefore RP' must intersect AL and A'M, and therefore, also,
(P&4Æ) = (RP'BB’).
Hence, finally, we have for the intervenes
PQ = RP' and PR = QP'.
430. Determination of the Two Heteronymous Vectors equi-
valent to any given Motor.
If a right vector, a, ß, y, 6, be followed by a left vector, a, ß', y', 8', then