Cardinaal (J.)__The representation of the screws of Ball passing through a point or
lying in a plane according to the method of Caporali. Koninklijke Akademie
van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 23rd Feb. 1899.
This is a development of a lecture before the Gesellschaft deutscher Natur-
forscher und Aerzte, Düsseldorf (Sept. 1898). The object of this memoir is to
obtain from the principles of the Theory of Screws a representation of the rays of
a certain quadratic complex treated of by R. Sturm and Caporali. See Sturm s
Liniengeometrie, iii. pages 438-444. See also a paper by Cardinaal, “ Uber die
Anwendung der Caporali’schen Abbildung des Strahlencomplexes zweiten Grades
auf die Bewegung eines starren Körpers mit Freiheit vierten Grades,” Jahresbencht
der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vii. 1. This is the lecture above referred
to, and it should be studied in connection with the geometrical theory of screw-
systems of the fourth order.
Joly (C. J.)—Asiatics and quaternion functions. Proceedings of the Royal Irish
Academy, 3rd Series, Vol. v. No. 3 (pp. 366-369), 1899.
Study (E.)—Die Geometrie der Dynamen. Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
vni. 1, 1900.