A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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36) SCREW CO-ORDINATES. 35 When the co-ordinates of a screw are given, the screw itself may be thus determined. Let e be any small quantity. Take a body in the position J, and impart to it successively twists about each of the screws of reference of amplitudes ea,, ea2, ... ea6. Let the position thus attained be B; then the twist which would bring the body directly from J to B is about the required screw a. 35. Identical Relation. The six co-ordinates of a screw are not independent quantities, but fulfil one relation, the nature of which is suggested by the relation between three direction cosines. When two twists are compounded by the cylindroid (§ 14), it will be observed that the amplitude of the resultant twist, as well as the direction of its screw, depend solely on the amplitudes of the given twists, and the directions of the given screws, and not at all upon either their pitches or their absolute situations. So also when any number of twists are compounded, the amplitude and direction of the resultant depend only on the amplitudes and directions of the components. We may, therefore, state the following general principle. If n twists neutralize (or 7i. wrenches equilibrate) then a closed polygon of n sides can be drawn, each of the sides of which is proportional to the amplitude of one of the twists (or intensity of one of the wrenches), and parallel to the corresponding screw. Let an, bn, cn, be the direction cosines of a line parallel to any screw of reference co,,, and drawn through a point, through which pass three rect- angular axes. Then since a unit wrench on a has components of intensities alt... a6, we must have (Mi + ... + a6a„)2 + (&,a, + ... + b.a^2 + (w + ... + c6«8)2 = 1, whence S«i2 + SSa^cos (12) = 1, if we denote by cos (12) the eosine of the angle between two straight lines parallel to &>i and a>2. 36. Calculation of Co-ordinates. We may conceive the formation of a table of triple entry from which the virtual coefficient of any pair of screws may be ascertained. The three argu- ments will be the angle between the two screws, the perpendicular distance, and the sum of the pitches. These arguments having been ascertained by ordinary measurement of lines and angles, the virtual coefficient can be extracted from the tables. Let a be a screw, of which the co-ordinates are to be determined. The