A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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48 THE THEORY OF SCREWS. [52- screw can be ascertained from the position of its corresponding point on the circle. Let us, for instance, seek the shortest distance between the two screws A and B. Since all screws intersect the nodal axis of the cylindroid at right angles, the required shortest distance is simply the difference between the values of m sin 20 for the two screws: this is, of course, the difference of their abscissae, i.e. the length BQ. Hence we have the following theorem :— The shortest distance between two screws, A and B, is equal to the pro- jection of the chord AB on the axis of pitch. We thus see that eveiy screw j4 on the cylindroid must be intersected by another screw A', and the chord AA' is, of course, perpendicular to the axis of pitch. The ray through parallel to the axis of pitch, will give two screws, L and M. These are the bounding screws of the cylindroid, and in each a pair of intersecting screws have become coincident. The two principal screws, U and V, lying on a diameter perpendicular to the axis of pitch, must also intersect. If all the pitches be reduced by p0, then the pitch axis passes through the centre of the circle, and the case assumes a simple type. The extremities of a chord perpendicular to the axis of pitch define screws of equal and opposite pitches, and every pair of such screws must intersect. The screws of zero pitch will then be the bounding screws, while the two principal screws will have pitches 4- m and — m, respectively. 53. The Angle between two Screws. This important function also admits of simple representation by the corresponding circle. Let A, B (fig. 7) denote the two screws; then, if 0 and 0‘ be the angles corresponding to A and B, AST =20; BST=20', whence ASB = 2(0- 0f If H be any point on the circle, then AHB = 0-0', and we deduce the following theorem:— The angle between two screws is equal to the angle subtended in the circle by their chord. 1 he extremities of a diameter denote a pair of screws at right angles: thus, A , in fig. 7, is the one screw on the cylindroid which is at light angles to A. The principal screws, U and V, are also seen to be at right angles.