A Treatise on the Theory of Screws

Forfatter: Sir Robert Stawell Ball

År: 1900

Forlag: The University Press

Sted: Cambride

Sider: 544

UDK: 531.1

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60] THE REl’RESENTATION OF THE CYLINDKOIIJ BY A CIRCLE. 53 intersect BT at E. Then, since 0 is the pole of PT, the line PT bisects the angle ATE (§ 58), and therefoi’e AE must be bisected at P. From similar triangles, OB: AB:: 0T:AE; whence, if pa be the pitch of A, and, of course, equal to AP, or ^AE, „ AB.OT 2pa 0B . But since the quadrilateral ASBT is inscribable in a circle, 0T.0S = 0A.0B; whence, eliminating OT, we have, finally, AO. AB pa~ 20S : as OS is constant, we see that pa varies as AO . AB, whence the following theorem:— If AB be any chord passing through 0, the pole of the axis of pitch, then the pitch of the screw A is proportional to the product AO . AB. 60. Pitches of Reciprocal Screws. It is known that the sum of the reciprocals of the pitches of a pair of reciprocal screws on the cylindroid is constant 40). This is also plain from the geometrical representation. 1 or, since the triangles APT and BQT (Fig. 10) are similar, we have AP : BQ :: TP : TQ :: OA : OB;