American wood-preservers’ association. AWPA. Proceedings. Washington,D. C. 1970- 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)
World energy conference. [Tidl.tit.: World power conference. Annual report] Annual report. 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Access. Key to the source literature of the chemical sciences. A publication of :the Chemical abstracts service. 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ajour. Forskning og teknikk. Studieselskapet for norsk industri, SNI. [Tidl.tit.: Ajour-Tl]. Oslo 1970- 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Lyngby. Technical university of Denmark. Danish center for applied mathematics and mechanics. Rapport. Dyngby 1970- No.S 1- Lyngby. Technical^^^ Report, se særligt kort 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ny teknik. Utg.av Svenska ingenjörssam-fundet og Svenska teknologföreningen. 1970, (Ikke digitaliseret)