Growth and perfection of crystals. Proceedings of an International conference on crystal growth held at Cooperstown, N.Y. 1958, Sponsored by Air force office of scientific research, Air research and development command and the General electric research laboratory. R.H. Doremus, B.W.Roberts and 1).Turnbull. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kortfattet lærebog i vejbygning for husbygnings-telnikum. Odense Tekniske Skole. Odense 1958. 1958, Honoré, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Card turner problems. A preliminary-investigation of the feasibility of long-distance consultation of card catalogs. 1958, Bristol, R.P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Review of chemical research projects in publically financed laboratories in Denmark 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
T6rnudd,E, Study on the use of scientific literature and reference services by Scandinavian scientists and engineers, XLst,?u0ao[ca> 1958]o 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Journal of the aero/space sciences. Publ.hy the Institute of the aeronautical sciences. [Tidl.titJournal of the aeronautical sciences] 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Voith Forschung und Konstruktion. Hrsg.von J.M.Voith GmbH. Heidenheim(Brenz) 1958- Hft.3- 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Automatic measurement of quality in process plants. Proceedings of a conference held at Swansea 23- 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Englische und deutsche chemische Fachausdrücke. Ein Leitfaden der Chemie in englischer und deutscher Sprache. 1958, Fromherz, H.; King, A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The aerodynamics of road vehicles - a survey of published literature. Lindley,Nr.Nuneaton,Warwickshire 1958. 1958, Fosberry, R.A.C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Byggmaskiner. Utg.av Kungl.överstyrelsen för yrkesutbildning. 1958 1958, Wernstrom, E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Perspektivteckning av maskiner och mekanismer. Röntgenteckning och sprängda hilder. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vacancies and other point defects in metals and alloys. A symposium organized by the Institute of metals and held at the Atomic energy research establishment, Harwell, Berks., on 10 December 1957 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)