The economics of shipbuilding in the United Kingdom. Cambridge,at the University Press,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The statesman's year-hook, Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Håndbog i tagpapdækning og fugtisolering. AS. Jens Villadsens Fabriker. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kongrc oocr-à Nordisk^ kemikermød ex', 10,nordiska kemistmötetî Svante Arrhenius-minnet, Stockholm 17-22 augusti 1959. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Report on the use of electronic data, processing equipment in the Federal Government. Washington,TJ.S.Government Prtg.Office,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beulwerte ausgesteifter Rechteckplatten. Kurventafeln zum direkten Nachweis der Beulsicherheit für verschiedene Steifenanordnungen und Belastungen.- 1960, Klöppel, K.; Scheer, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Müller,HoEa Beitrag zur Hydrierung des Kohlenmonoxydes an Rutheniumkatalysatoreno 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Concrete quality control, aggregate characteristics,, and the cement-aggregate reaction, Presented at the 39th annual meeting, January 11-15, 1960 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
International Scientific Radio Union (URSl). Union Radio Scientifique Int. 13th 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)