Erul ,W.E. J.M. and E .A. Lief nine k Recent groundwater investigations in the Netherlands. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Department of scientific and industrial research. D3IR. A description of the work of the Department of scientific and industrial research. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Saltbehandling. af Sild. Med særlig Henblik paa fremtidig dansk Fiskeri af Nordsøsild. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Industrial bulletin. Issued conjointly by Department of Industries & Commerce and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Wellington 1946- 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tegninger og Beskrivelser vedrørende Landbrugsbygninger fra 10 til 60 HA samt forskellige Detailtegninger. Jydske Landboforeninger, 1946. 53 -S. 1946, Johansen, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The influence of relative price and different relative quality factors on relative new passenger car sales of two leading makes. (Preliminary results.) A study in monopolistic competition. Handelshøjskolen i København. Kbh.1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Planning and civic comment. Official organ of: American planning and civic association, National conference on state parks. V/ashington, D.C. 1946- 56.. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Essais contrôlés de batteuses électrifiées réalisés les 2, 3 et 4 mai 1946 h l’Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture. Rapport général. Paris u.ê.. 12+ [18] s. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tables of composition of Australian foodso Canberra,The Australian institute of anatomy,1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Petersen,E.Ettrup Studier over C-Vitaminets Nedbrydning ved Terrin og Lagring af Yegetabilier. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)