Ultrafine particles. Sponsored by ... the Electrochemical society. 1963, Kuhn, W.E.; Lamprey, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Methods of calculating the cost of electric power produced by thermal power stations. (Prep.by) Economic commission for Europe. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dictionary of water and sewage engineering. (German, English, French, Italian). 1963, Meinck, F.; Mohle, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Inzenerno-techniceskij spravocnik po élektrosvjazi. Telegrafija. Moskva, Svjaz'izdat,1963. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Shuleil)K.E. (ed.) Ionization in high-temperature gases. A selection of technical papers based mainly on the American rocket society conference on ions in flames and rocket exhausts, held at Palm Springs 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
B.A.S.F.-Laboratoriumsbauten der Anwendungstechnik. Bauherr: Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik AG. Gesamtbe-arb.: Institut für Eauplnnung und Bautechnik. Leitung: H.Mittag. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Thermal analysis of high polymers. Ed.by B.Ke. American chemical society symposium held at 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Information storage and retrieval. Including mechanical translation. An international journal. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tegl. ("Lerindustrien"s B-udgave). Udg.af Teglindustriens tekniske tjeneste. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sjctransport av tidningspapper i rullar. Utredning verkställd inom transportforsk-ningskommissionens materialhanteringskom-mitté. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Grundgesetze des elektromagnetischen Feldes. Berlin,VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften,1963. 12 + 1963, Simonyi, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The Vincent Thomas bridge. Southern California's first ma.jor suspension span. Designed by Bridge department,California division of highways. U.st. u.a.[ca.1963] 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)