Schweizer Stahlbau-Vereinigung. Technische Kommission. [TicLl.tit.s Schweizer Stahlbauverband. Technische Kommission.] Mitteilungen. Zürich 1963-Hft.26- 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
On plasma collision frequencies proportional to energy in the radio wave reflection and transmission process. 1963, Johler, J.R.; Harper, J.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Structural linguistics and human communication. An introduction into the mechanism of language and the methodology of linguistics. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen über die Mineralollast des Niederrheins und deren Herkunft. 1963, Holluta, J.; Brune, I., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tablicy dl ja cislennogo integrirovanija funkcij so stepennymi osobennostjami. Minsk,Izd-vo Akademija nauk Belorusskoj SSR,1963. 1963, Janovic, L.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Fokussierungseigenschaften eines Magnetfeldes der Form r~^sin "1 $. 1963, Hofmann, A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tekniska samfundet i Göteborg. Medlersforteckning, års- och revisionsberättelser för samfundets och dess avdelningar. [Tidl.tit.: Tekniska samfundets handlingar] Göteborg 1963/64- 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Medical electronics and biological engineering. Journal of the International federation for medical and biological engineering. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. 1963, Fisher, R.A.; Yates, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Aggregates, marsh deposits, and asphaltic membranes. 4 reports. Presented at the 42.annual meeting, January 7-H,1963, Pub Highway research board of the National academy of sciences - National research council. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)