Transport und Lager. Zeitschrift für rationelle Verbindung von Beförderung, Umschlag und Lagerung. Bad Godesberg 1962- Jahrg.11- 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
New thinking in school "biology. Report on the OECD seminar on the reform of biology teaching, La Tour de Peilz (near Vevey,Switzerland), 1962. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Space scientists and engineers: Selected biographical and bibliographical listing, 1957-1961. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Organic semiconductors. Proceedings of an inter-industry conference. 1962, Brophy, J.J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Traffics characteristics and intersection capacities. [Part]1:Traffic characteristics as related to highway capacity. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Werkstoffprüfung und Fehlerkontrolle in der Metallindustrie. 1962, Stüdemann, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen zur Frage nach einer etwaigen Aufnahme von Dieldrin aus Dieldrin-imprägnierter Wolle in den menschlichen Organismus. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Computers in educatnon. Proceedings of a conference on "The computing laboratory in the technical college" held at Hatfield College of Technology. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bor’ba s korroziej dvigatelej vnutrennegc sgoranija i gazoturbinnych ustanovok. ’ 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The application of digital computers to structural engineering problems. 1962, Brotton, D.M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Physikertagung in .Stuttgart 24. "bis 28. September 1962. Verband Deutscher Physikalischer Gesellschaften. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)