Reconhecimento de maciços rocho-sos por sondagens, para o estudo das fundaçoes de barragens. Lisboa 1962. 1962, Serafim, J.L.; Seabra, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Compaction and. correlation between compaction and classification data. Presented at the 41.annual meeting, January 8-12,1962. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Salg på tryk. [Engl.titel:] ”Scientific Advertising”. København,M0PAC0,1962. 1962, Hopkins, C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kohonen,T., H.Puolakka and H.Våyrynen Investigation of a Siegbahn-Slatis beta-ray spectrometer. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bøger og forlag i Danmark i 125 år, Den danske Forlæggerforenings 125 års jubi. læumsudst1111ng9Kunstindustrimuseet. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bridge dynamics and deflections; and fatigue in welded beams. Presented at the 40.annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Copenhagen. Technical university. Laboratory of electromagnetic theory. Annual report. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The technological value of the sugar beet. La valeur technique de la betterave sucrière. Der technische Wert der Zuckerrübe. Proceedings of the 11.session of the Commission internationale technique de sucrerie,(C.I.T.S.), Frankfurt 1960. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
5.Tagebautechnisehes Kolloquium, Freiberg 1960. [Hrsg.] Brennstofftechnische Gesellschaft. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tests on a perspex model anticlas-tic roof of lattice construction. 1962, Base, G.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Agfacolor. Theorie und Praxis der Agfacolor-Photographie von der Aufnahme bis zum fertigen Bild. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)