Höghastighetsfotografi. Konferens 12-13 november 1962 anordnad av IAY:s kommitté för höghastighets-fotografi. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Human vibration research. A collection of articles sponsored by the Human Factors Society. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Pomechoustojcivost' i éffektivnost' sistem svjazi. Moskva,Svjaz'izdat,1963. 1963, Zjuko, A.G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tables to facilitate the determination of the ferrimagnetic resonance ■ linewidth of non-metallic magnetic materials. 1963, Preston, C.C.; Case, W.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Abridged UDC schedule for classifying literature on standardization (with an. alphabetical index). Eindhoven 1963 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Low temperature .solid state physics. Some selected topics. 1963, Rosenberg, H.M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Institut po vodni problemi. Balgarska akademija na naukite. Otdelenie za tech-niceski nauki. Izvestija. Sofija 1963- Tom 1 - 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Über physikalische Vergiftung und Adsorptionseigenschaften von Feststoff-Katalysatoren. 1963, Grimm, P.G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
iiirier^etika i transport. (Akadenija nauk SSSR. Otdelenie techniceskich nauk. Izvestija: Energetika i transport) 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Production + Industrielle Forschung. [Hrsg. J-.Institut für Automation und Operations Research. Freiburg,Schweiz 1963- Jahrg.8- 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Some problems of large plastic deformation of metals at high pressures. [By] B.I.Beresnev a.o. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)