Symposium on effect of ozone on rubber. Sponsored ASTM committee D-ll on rubber and rubber-like materials at a meeting in St.Louis,Mo. 195$. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Radioisotopes in scientific research. Proceedings of the International conference on radioisotopes in scientific research 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Black,WaP,Mo, DoCroney and JoCeJacobs Field studies of the movement of soil moisture. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beitrag zur statistischen Verifikation der Minderheiten-Theorie 1958, Lejeune, V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Wörterbuch zur Festigkeitslehre. Formände- rung und Tragfähigkeit fester Körper. 1958, Ayrenschmalz, L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Disposal of plating wastes., A selected annotated bibliography of recent articles 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Om lysfølsomme stoffers spektralfølsom-hed og om strålingsbeskyttende beholdere. 1958, Carlsen, T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Weinberg,A.M. and E.P.Wigner The physical theory of neutron chain reactors. Presented by the United States of America at the 2nd. int. conf. on the peaceful uses of atom energy. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A proposed international chemical notation. Prepared by the Commission on codification, ciphering, and punched card techniques of the International Union of 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The analytical uses of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid. Princeton,New Jersey, van Nostrand,1958. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Booth,A.D., L.Brandwood and J.P.Cleave Mechanical resolution of linguistic problems. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Proceedings of the 44,annual road school held at Purdue University, april 1958. Ed. by B.H.Petty. Lafayette,Ind. 1958 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Spezial-Worterbuch für das Maschinenwesen mit BegriffsbeStimmungen und Begriffserläu-terungen. Werkzeugmaschinenbau. Werkzeugbau. Maskinenelernente. Arbeitsverfahren. Deutsch-Englisch. Englisch-Deutsch. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)