Foundry radiation protection manual. Des Plaines,1111nois,American Foundrymen1s Society,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Maschinen als Mathematiker,, Berlin, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1960 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kristalldioden- und Transistoren-Taschen-Tabelle. 3.^-ufl. München, Franzis-Verla,g, 1960. I 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Design of documents. A study of inechanical aids to field enquiries. 1960, Hogben, L.; Cross, K.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Leary,R.J,, R.W, Smith and B.J.Mitchel Applications of a small electronic digital computer to pyrometallurgical research. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Wörterbuch der industriellen Technik. Einschliesslich Hilfswissenschaften und Bauwesen. 1960, Ernst, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Schwefeldioxyd auf die Vegetation. 1960, Stratmann, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Stockholm,, Royal Institute of Technology. Division of telegraphy-telephony. Speech transmission laboratorye Quarterly progress and status report. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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A survey of physical theory. New York, hover Publ.,1960. (Optn). 1960, Planck, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Reading devices for micro=images, by JoStewart, LoHickey, a.o. New Brunswick, New Jersey,Graduate School of Library Service Rutgers - the State University, 19600 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)