Information theory. Papers read at a symposium on "Information Theory" held at the Royal Institution, London, August 29th to September 2nd 1960. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Cassell's New atlas of the world. The world in physical, political and economic maps, with statistics and index. H.Fullard. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
" 1966, " 1-2:L " 1966, " 3:L,HB Andersen,P.Nyboe, B.Fog og P.Vinding Nationaløkonomi. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Management models and industrial applications of linear programming, Yol. 1-2, New York,Wiley?1961. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Statistiske meddelelser: Aktieselskaber, Udg. af Det statistiske departement 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kautschuk-Handbuch. Supplementband. Stuttgart,Berliner-Union. Supplementband: Lehnen,J., Mess- und Regeltechnik in der Gummiindustrie. .1961. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die Abhängigkeit verbrennungstechnisch wichtiger Eigenschaften der Gase von der Wobbe-Zahl. 1961, Schuster, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)