Theoretical and experimental investigations of incompressible laminar boundary layers with and without suction. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
København, Teknologisk institut. Træteknisk forsøgsafdeling. Årsberetning. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Lexique general des termes ferroviaires. Red.par l’Union internationale des chemins de fer. (Français. Deutsch. English. Italiano. Espanol. Nederlands). Amsterdam,de Bussy,1965. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kemikalier og sikkerhed. Udarbejdet af Sikkerhedsudvalget for kemiske industrier. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beitrag zur Untersuchung einer an ihrer Ecke belasteten unendlich ausgedehnten e-lastisch gelagerten Platte. Ermittlung der Sohldruckverteilung und der Biegespannungen. 1965, Sileet, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Merländer,R., H.Freytag und F.Zachen ^Anlagen zur Lagerung, Abfüllung und Bet forderung ... 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Corrosion and protection of metals. Lectures delivered at the Institution of metallurgists refreshers course, april 1964. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dictionary of organic compounds. The constitution and physical, chemical and other properties of the principal carbon compounds and their derivatives, together with relevant literature references. 4,e(i. (Ed.: G.Harris and R.Stevens.) 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ny linie. Rettelsesprogram. Brugsanvisning. (København),Akademisk forlag, 1965. 1965, Andersen, L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Eliminating engine interference. Indianapolis , Ind. , Sams 1965. 1965, Lenk, J.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Physics of non-crystalline solids. Proceedings of the international conference, Delft 1964. Ed. by J.A.Prins. Under the auspices of the International union of pure and applied physics. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
U.S.Government research & development reports. [Tidl.tit.; U.S.Government research reports] 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ispytanija procnosti i vibracii sudov na podvodnych kryl'jach. Leningrad,Izd^ vo "Sudostroenie",1965. 1965, Zvjagin, A.D.; Sabarov, V.V., (Ikke digitaliseret)