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Grundlagen des Spannbetonbaus. Anerkanntes Fachschullehrbuch. 1964, Kurt, E.; Martinek, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Schaltungen mit Halbleiterbauelementen. Hrsg.: Siemens & Halske Aktiengesellschaft. 1964, Gelder, E.; Hirschmann, V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dynamics of linear systems. Prague,Publishing house of the Czechoslovak academy of sciences,1964. 1964, Dolezal, V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Fatigue - an interdisciplinary approach. Proceedings of the 10.Sagamore army materials conference, held at Sagamore conference center, Raquette Lake,N.Y. 1963, Sponsored by Army materials research agency ... Ed.: J.J.Burke, N.L.Reed and ■ V.Weiss. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Conditions hydrologiques et biologiques des stations d'essais hors d'Europe. Hydrological and biological conditions in testing stations outside Europe. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Electrodynamics and classical theory of fields and particles. 1964, Barut, A.O., (Ikke digitaliseret)
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