Balzer,F. und H.Dettwiler. Fünfstellige natürliche Werte der Sinus-und Tangentenfunktionen und Tachymetertafein neuer Teilung für Maschinenrechnen. %Aufl.. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-American oouncil on productivity. Cotton weaving. Report of a visit to the U.S.A. in 1949 of a productivity team representing the cotton weaving industry. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Public health service publication. U.S.department of health, education and welfare. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company (NoY.Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappij) 1890-16 June-1950, Diamond jubilee book. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beton: Materialerne. Dansk Ingeniørforenings Arbejdsgruppe for Beton og Jernbeton. 1950. Forlang: Beton, Bd.l. 666.97 Bet 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Microfilms and microcards. Their use in research. A selected list of references. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The book of the Triumph. A practical handbook covering all models (except the lightweights) from 1937 to 1956, including 350 C,C. and 500 C.Co models and also the Thunder-bird (6T), the Tiger 110 (TllO) and the TR60 9.od. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Synthetic rubber. Recommendations of the president. Transmitted to the Congress together with a report on maintenance of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States and disposal of government-owned synthetic rubber facilities. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)