Chemical physics of nonmetallic crystals. Papers presented at the Northwestern university 1961 international conference. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Svenska färgindustriens forskningslaboratorium. Lak- og farveindustriens forskningslaboratorium. Litteraturoversigt. [Kortindex] Stockholm/ 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Asphalts and allied substances, their occurrence, modes of production, uses in the arts, and metods of testing. 1962, Abraham, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elastische und plastische Stauchungen von Beton .infolge Druckschwellund Standbelastung. 1962, Kern, E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Samling1 af bibliografier over lodning fra publikationer nævnt i: Danmarks tekniske bibliotek. Bibliografi nr.3: E.Andersen, Lodning. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Halvledere, deres anvendelse i forskellige kredsløb. Sammenfatning af Application Reports and Notes fra Texas Instruments Inc. USA og Texas Instruments Itd.,England. Del.1-4, [København,ca.1962]. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hypersonic flow research. A selection of technical papers based mainly on a symposium of the American rocket society, held at Massachusetts institute of technology, Cambridge,Mass., August 16-18,1961. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)