Modern theory in the design of alloys. Lectures delivered at the Institution of metallurgists refresher course April 1966. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Automobile disposal. A national problem. Case studies of factors that influence the accumulation of automobile scrap. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Czechoslovak academy of sciences, Slovak academy of sciences 1952'1966. Main scientific results achieved at the institutes of the Czechoslovak academy of sciences and the Slovak academy of sciences between 1952 and 1966. Ed.: J.Pluhar. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Chemical society. London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Section Bs Organic chemistry. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hochhaukonstruktion. Die Bauteile und das Baugefuge. Grundlagen des heutigen Bauens. 4-Aufl. 1967, Schmitt, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Canjar,L.N, and F.S.Manning Thermodynamic properties and reduced correlations for gases. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Staldklimaforsøg med svin 1957-61, Experiments on piggery climatic conditions 1957-61. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)