Regelungstheorie. Kleines Handbuch für Ingenieure und Studierende. 1947, Hänny, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kastrup Glasværk 1847-1947. En Beretning om Glasindustrien i Danmark. Tekst: I.Egebjerg. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tubing. Data sheets. the Aluminum Company of Canada. Montreal 1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Technique of house nailing by Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service,U.S.Department of Agriculture. Washington,Housing and Home Finance Agency,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Technology of synthetic polymers (in its chemical and physical aspects). 1947, Houwink, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Skitseforslag til Egnsplan for Storkøbenhavn. Egnsplankontoret. Kbh.1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die deutsche Bibliothek, [Tidl.tit.: Deutsche Nationalbibliographie, se dette.] Bibliographie, Frankfurt a.M. 1947- 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A practical theory/ ox mechanisms. Glassification and description of mechanisms applied in machines and instruments. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Fortegnelse over Tidsskrifter og Bøger paa Lak- og Farveindustriens Forskningslaboratorium pr.1/7 1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The elements of aircraft propeller design. A simple introduction to the basic aerodynamic and mechanical principles of aeroplane -propellers. London.Soon. 1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)