Liiri,0. ja A,Kivisto Suomalaisten rima- ja salelevyjen lu-juusominaisuuksista I. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Torsional-flexural buckling of thin-walled sections under eccentric load. 1967, Pekoz, T.B., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The change of Young’s modulus after deformation at low temperature and its recovery. 1967, Lems, W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
International business. Prepared by editors of Chemical engineering progress. - 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Recent progress in applied mechanics. The Folke Odqvist volume. Ed.hy B.Broberg, J. Hult and F.Niordson. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Der Transistor in der HF-Eingangsschaltung. Grundlagen und Schaltungsbeispiele von HF-Vorstufen, Mischstufen und Oszillatoren. 1967, Hein, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
British chemical engineering. The journal devoted to the techniques of chemical engineering applied to industry. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Radiation protection standards for radio-luminous timepieces. Recommendations drawn up by a joint group of experts of the European nuclear energy agency and the In-. ternational atomic energy agency. Vienna ' 1967. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Mez dunaro dny j êlektrotechniceskij slovar1. 2.izd. Gruppa 25. MoskvajFizmatgiz,1967. (Også m.t.: Vocabulaire électronique international. International electrotechnical vocabulary) Gruppa 25: Proizvodstvo, peredaca i rasp- redelenie êlektriceskoj ênergii. Sost.î S.V.Usov. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Keropyan,K.K. [Keropjan,K.K.] and P.M. Chegolin [P.M.Cegolin] Electrical analogues in structural engineering. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)