Methodologische Grundlagen der sozial-okonomischen Yerhaltensforschung. 1961, Scherhorn, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1,1961. 1961, Henning, C.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
0pitz?H, und H.Uhrmeister Die dynamischen Eigenschaften hydraulischer Vorschuhmotoren für Werkzeugmaschinen. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Experimental studies of a VHF traveling-wave parametric diode amplifier. 1961, Sørensen, E.V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Estimated costs of gasifying coal in place: a study based on electrolinking and hydraulic fracturing experiments of the Bureau of mines. 1961, Katell, S.; Faber, J.H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Adhesion, London,Oxford University Press, 1961, 290 s. 11 tvl, [~Bibl. efter hvert ka-pitel]o 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
An introduction to the theory of vibrating systems. Oxford,at the Clarendon Press,1961o 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Modern physics buildings. Design and function. A project of the American association of physics teachers and the American institute of physics. 1961, Palmer, R.R.; Rice, W.M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Synthetic and protein adhesives for paper coating. Prepared under the direction of the Tappi coating committee. (Revision of Monograph no.9). 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)