Beitrag zum Verhalten des Zinns bei der trockenen Bleiraffination. 1960, Hadamovsky, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Survey on the main trends of inquiry in the field of the natural sciences, the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the application of such knowledge for peaceful ends. 1960, Auger, P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
High productivity in heavy engineering. -Production, inspection and cost control in welded fabrication. 1960, Thompson, A.G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Handbook of basic transistor circuits and measurements. By R.D.Thornton a.o. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Workshop engineering practice. An introductory course for engineering students and apprentices. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Werkzeuge und Werkzeugmaschinen für die spanende Metallbearbeitung. Teil 1-2. Duisburg-Rahm,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The corrosion and oxidation of metals: Scientific principles and practical applications. 1960, Evans, U.R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Innen und Aussen,. Die Frage nach der Integration der Künste und der Weg der Architektur 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Väg- och vattenbyggaren. Organ fur Svenska Väg- och vattenbyggares Riksförbund, SVR. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Solid state physics in electronics and telecommunications. Proceedings of an International conference on solid state physics in electronics and telecommuni-cations 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A century of oil and gas in "books. A descriptive bibliography. 1960, Swanson, E.B., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Properties and essential information for safe handling and use of formaldehyde. Pub Manufacturing chemists association. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sodium chloride. The production and properties of salt and "brine. 1960, Kaufmann, D.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)