Symposium on the external forces and structural design of high-rise and long-span structures 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
On the coupling of angular momenta in diatomic molecules, with applications to the magnetic hyperfine structure. 1965, Mustelin, N., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Chemical lasers. A publication of the Optical society of America. Washington, f.C. 1965. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Københavns magistrats gadefortegnelse. Tillæg nr.1-6 (ændringer oE tilføjelser i kalenderårene 1959“64) til 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vattenkemi och matarvattenteknik med övningsexempel. u.å.[ca.1965]. 41+[3l] s. [Med bibi.] 1965, Floberg, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Agriculture and economic growth. A report by a group of experts: M.Bandini a.o. ( 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Geodätische Feinmessungen zur Untersuchung der Lage- und Hohenstabilitat des Protonen-Synchrotrons CERN in Genf. 1965, Gervaise, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Road accidents in December 19&4 an(^ January 1965 (with special reference to Christmas and new year). 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The use of an electric field to accel-rate oil quenching. (To he presented at the Metal heat treatment conference, Birmingham 1965). 1965, Villiams, R.V.; Dalton, B.L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beregning af trykforskelle ved gasstrømning i rør, i hvilke der finder varmeovergang sted. ( Laboratoriet for opvarmning og ventilation, D.T.H. ( 1965, Hadvig, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Observations of the behaviour of ink on coated paper. Copenhagen,the Graphic college of Denmark,1965. 1965, Christensen, C.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Tenzodatciki dija izmerenij pri povy-sennych temperaturach. Moskva,Izd-vo "Masinostroenie",1965. 1965, Klokova, N.P., (Ikke digitaliseret)