Kingston upon Hull water undertaking Kingston upon Hull water undertaking, fifth centenary, 1447 - 1947. The history of the water supply of Kingston upon Hull. u.&.[ca.1947]. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dynamisk Fejlfinding og Trimning. Fastlægning af Radiomodtagernes vigtigste Kendetegn. Fremst1111ng af de nødvendige Karver og Trimning baade ved Fabrikations-kontrol og ved Fejlfinding. [København], Dansk Radio Service,1947. 1947, Aisberg, E.; Hissen, A.; Hissen, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Betänkande med förslag till standardtarif-fer för detaljdistrihution av elektrisk kraft, avgivet den 2 jan.1947 av Elkraft-utredningen. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Varmestraaling, med særligt Henblik paa Boligopvarmning. København,Teknol.Inst.Por-lag,1947. 1947, Pedersen, L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Scientific periodicals in the Netherlands. A classified list of the more important current periodicals and serial publications in the fields of science, technology, agriculture and medicine. Compiled by A.G-orter. The Hague ,0entrale Organisatie T.N.O.,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The technique of getting things done. Rules for directing will power from the lives of the world's leaders. 1947, Laird, L.A.; Laird, E.C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ml.! Gryit 608:664.1 G-uttag,A. Patents on the reactions of sugars, A digest 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Laws, rules, and instructions for inspection and testing of steam locomotives and tenders and their appurtenances. Locomotive inspection law. Washington,U.S.govt.prtg. off.,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
L'Association^des ingénieurs sortis de l'école de Liège. Hommage de la faculté des sciences appliquées à l'Association des ingénieurs sortis de l'école de Liège à l'occasion de son Centenaire. Liège,Thone,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The methods of cellulose chemistry. Including methods for the investigation of substances associated with cellulose in plant tissues. 1947, Dorée, C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Welding helps for farmers. Cleveland,Ohio, The James F.Lincoln Arc \7elding Foundation, 1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
British standard for treatment of water for marine boilers (with a section on engineering factors). London,British Stand-.ard Institution, 1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Finland, a democracy of the North. Selected articles from the Finland Year Book 1947. Helsinki,Mercatorin Kirjapaino ja Kustannus Oy,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)