OpitZjHo, H,Rohde und W,König Untersuchungen der Spanformung durch Spanbrecher beim Drehen mit Hartmetallwerkzeugeno 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Acoustic theory of speech production. With calculations based on X-Ray studies of Russian articulations, s' 1960, Farit, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Specific heats and enthalpies of technical solids at low temperatures. A compilation from the literature. 1960, Corruccini, R.J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Maurer,S., R.Schreyer and F.W.Wolter Dictionary of photography and allied subjects, German, English, French, Russian. Halle (Saale),fotokinoverlag halle. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Remanito Die spanlose Formgebung, die Wärmebehandlung und das Beizen rost- und säurebeständiger Stähle. Krefeld,Deutsche Edelstahlwerke AG (DEW),[1960]. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Physical functions of hydrocolloids. A collection of papers comprising the Symposium on physical functions of hydrocolloids presented ... at the 130.national meeting of the American chemical society,Atlantic City, N.J.,September 1956. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Proceedings of an international symposium on high temperature technology. Arranged by Stanford Research Institute,Menlo Park, i Cal. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
I.FcA.C, International Federation of Automatic Contrôle Information bulletin. Düsseldorf 1960- No..6- 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Stahlmaste für Starkstrom-Freileitungen. Berechnung und Beispiele. 1960, Taenzer, W., (Ikke digitaliseret)