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Hov/ to remodel a house. An easy guide for remodeling - its planning and doing; including an example of a remodeled house with a full set of blueprints. 1946, Dalzell, J.R.; Townsend, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Water & sewage works. Water supply -sewage disposal - industrial waste treatment. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Water works engineering, The journal of the water works profession since 1877- 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Industrial bulletin. Issued conjointly by Department of Industries & Commerce and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Wellington 1946- 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Scientific methods of varnish manufacture Fall.by .American Paint Journal Go. St.Louis Mo. ,1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)