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The disposal of radioactive wastes into coastal waters. London,United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vorschriften für die Klassifikation und den Bau von stählernen Seeschiffen 1956. Seeregister der UdSSR. Red.von A.Aleksejev, J. Goriansky und F.E.Rennenhardt. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Self-organizing systems. Proc.of an interdisciplinary conf., Chicago,111. 1959- Spons.: Infor- — mation systems branch of office of naval research — and Armour research foundation of 1111nois insti- __ tute of technology. M.C.Yovits and S.Cameron._ 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der iipolytischen FettSpaltung (Ranzigkeit) in Milch und Käse. 1960, Bachmann, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Grundriss der praktischen Regelungstechnik, München,Oldenbourg,1960. 334 s. 1960, Samal, E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Corrosion prevention and control. The first British journal devoted to the prevention and control of corrosion. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France. Publ.par la Direction des bibliothèques de France. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Noise attenuation properties of flexible piping. Glasgow 1960. 5s. +7 tvl. Forlang: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. National engineering laboratory. Fluid mechanics division. Fluid note. No.90. 1960, Kane, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)