Über Reaktionsweisen phosphinsubstitu-ierter Carbonylkobaltate(-l). 1965, Duchatsch, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Selektiver Gleichrichterempfang mit Tunneldioden hei Mikrowellen. 1965, Winkler, G.H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen über die rationelle Herstellung von Tiefdruckformen. 1965, Albrecht, J.; Heigl, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Radiotechnika. (izvestija VUZ). Kiev 1965-66. Tom 8-9. Ports.m.tit.: Hadioelektronika. Engelsk overs., se: Soviet radio engineering. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hydroturbines. Design and construction. Jerusalem,Israel program for scientific translations,1965. 1965, Kovalev, N.N., (Ikke digitaliseret)
World, conference on earthquake engineering, 3.conf., Auckland and Wellington,New Zealand 1965. Organized hy the New Zealand national committee on earthquake engineering. Proceedings. V0I.I-3. Wellington 1965. [Forsk.pag.1. [Med bibl. ] 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Eine S-Bahn-Planung für d,en Raum. Süd-Hamburg und das angrenzende Niedersachsen. Bielefeld 1965. 1965, Massute, E.; Schlums, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Introduction to space science. Written by the staff of the Goddard space flight center,National aeronautics and space administration , Greenbelt ,Maryland. New York, Gordon and Breach science puhl.,1965- 15+ 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Highway safety 1963 and. 1964- 9 reports. Presented at the 43rd annual meeting 1964 and 44th annual meeting 1965. Puhl. hy the Highway research board. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
IBM 1620 electronic circuit analysis program (ECAP) ( 1620-EE-02X) user.'s manual. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)