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Praktische Geophysik für Lehre, Forschung und Praxis, Dresden,Steinkopff, 1943. 12+368 s. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The machine shop yearbook and production engineers’ manual. (2.)[ed.j £ditor:H.C. Town. Lond.,Slek [1943]. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Les constituants colloïdaux des terres arables. Le complexe argilo-humique et les phénomènes déchanges d’ions. Paris,Hermann. 1943. 1943, Lavollay, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vejledning i Fagtegning, Landmaaling og Nivellering for unge Gartnere. 2.Udg. København,Alm.dansk Gartnerforenings Forlag,(1943). 1943, Kiær, E.; Østergaard, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
ZUrich, Eidgen'össisiche technische Hochschule. Schriftenreihe der Bibliothek. ZUrich 1943- Hr.l- 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Engineering inspection practice. A complete guide to the methods, gauges and instruments used in engineering production workshops, London,Newn.s,1943. 9+23© s 1943, King, A.T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Nitrocelluloselacke für besondere Verwendungszwecke. Berlin,Pansegrau,[1941.] 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Simple blueprint reading with particular reference to welding and welding symbols. Welding symbols as standardized by The American Welding Society. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)