Meeting the special problems of small business. A statement on national policy by the research and policy committee of the Committee for Economic Development. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
British catalogue of plastics. An encyclo-pœdia of the plastic industry for all users of plastic materials. London,The National Trade Press Ltd.,1947. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Applied scientific research. Reports published under the auspices of the Central national council for applied scientific research in the Netherlands (TNO). B: Electrophysics, acoustics, optics. 1947, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Ledninger og master. Mekanisk beregning. Grundlag for forelæsninger paa Den polytekniske Læreanstalt. 3,U-dg. 1947, Nøkkentved, C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
økonomiske forutsetninger for en berettiget bruk av aluminium i vognmateriell. Foredrag holdt i Dansk Ingeniørforening 20.lTov.1946. 1947, Brinck, Å., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vocabulaire technique anglais-français et français-anglais. Métallurgie, mines, électricité, mécanique, sciences. 2.éd. 1947, Cusset, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)