The petroleum handbook. Compiled by members of the staff of the Royal Dutch-Shell group. 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Baumethoden und Gesundheit. Zeitliche Strömungen im Wohnhauwesen; Bau-, Baugrund-und Baustoffprobleme; Erd- und StoffStrahlenforschungen; gesundes Bauen und Wohnen. 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Aquametry. Application of the Karl Fischer reagent to quantitative analyses involving water. 1948, Mitchell, J.; Smith, D.M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Know your real abilities. Understanding and developing your aptitudes. 1948, Broadley, C.V.; Broadley, M.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Den ekonomiska vägen. En publikation utgiven av Svenska vägföreningen. u.å. 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Helmer-Pe tersen, K. 122 Farvefotografier. [København],Fet Schønbergske forl.,[1948J. Forord på dansk og engelsk + 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)
§Ji!L-Sbe Theory and practice of presswork. Washington,U.8,1948. 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Studier over sæbeudnyttelsen ved vask med sæbe og alkali i hårdt eller delvis afhærdet vand. 1948, Bo, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Heating and ventilating's engineering databook. Selected tables and charts for supplying engineers and contractors with essential data on the design, operation and maintenance of equipment and systems for air conditioning, refrigeration, piping, heating, air sanitation and ventilation in buildings. 1948, (Ikke digitaliseret)