Ângteknik. Till hundraårsminnet ay Gustaf de Lavals fodelse utg.av AB.de Lavals Ang-turbin. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The story of the atomic homb. A popular review of the principal discoveries which have led up to its production. 1945, Clark, C.H.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Couzens ,2. G. and W. G.Wearmouth Plastics in the radio industry. London, Hulton Press,u.A.[ca.1945.] 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Notes on tlie use of circular dividing apparatus for angular and linear measurement. London,H.M.Stationery Office,1945. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sound-film projection. Dealing with the installation, operation and maintenance of the leading types of sound-projection equipment and public-address systems. Ed.: E.Molloy. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
International trade foreign investment and domestic employment including Bretton Woods proposals. A statement on national policy by the research committee of the Committee for economic development. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hydraulic pumps and motors for machine tool drives. Constant delivery pumps; radial piston, swash plate, and vane type variable delivery pumps and motors. London,The Machinery Publishing Co.,u.&. [1945?] 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ferieloven af 13.April 1938. Samlet Fremst1111ng. 2.TJdg. 1945, Dreyer, E.; Haarløv, T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kungl.tekniska Högskolan: Svenska Forskningsinstitutet för cement och betong. Handlingar 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Konstgjord telefontrafik sogi hjälpmedel vid behandling av telff©ntimfikproblem. 1945, Karlsson, S.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)