Official and tentative methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society, AOCS. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Q6i.J5lÆaaLBap Danske Farve- og Lakfabrikker Firmaet Danske Farve- og Lakfabrikker. Udsendt i Anledning af Firmaets 25 Aars Jubilæum 1920 — 1.Februar — 194-5. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Riveted joints. A critical review of the literature covering their development, with bibliography and abstracts of the most important articles. A research publication. New York,American society of mechanical engineers, 1945. 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)
(o i .39(p.(o G 3 (o 19. 1 3. Q (p Wa^> Wybrow, S. G-. Electrical and wireless equipment of aircraft including the repair, overhaul and testing of magnetos (MX” licence). 1945, (Ikke digitaliseret)