Einführung in die technische Mechanik. Leipzig,Winter'sehe Verlagshandlung,1943. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vegetable fats and oils, their chemistry, production, and utilization for edible, medicinal and technical purposes. 1943, Jamieson, G.S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Lap1ace-Transf o rmat i on. Eine Einführung für Physiker, Elektro-, Maschinen- und Bauingenieure. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Chambers's technical dictionary, comprising terms used in pure and applied science. Ed.by C.F.Tweney and l.E.C ,Hughes. [2.] ed. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Danfoss Journalen. Udg. af Danfoss, Nordborg, Danmark. Fabrik for automatiske kontrolapparater. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The science of fighting fire. Por the citizen, the professional, the volunteer and the auxiliary. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Substation plant and equipment. A survey of the practice and principles of modern substation engineering with particular reference to recent developments. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Vejreglero Normer for Anlæg,Udvidelse og Ombygning af Veje,Gader og Stier, Udfær-diget af Ministeriet for offentlige Ar-bejder den 10,August 1943 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Encyclopédie chronologique des arts graphiques,. 1440-1940. 500. anniversaire de l'imprimerie 1943, Billoux, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Yitamins and hormones, Advances in research and applications, Ed^by HaS.Harris \ and KoVaThimann. Yolol—3. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Svensk Trävarutidning. Svensk Pappersmasse-tidning. Sthlm.1943—56. Årg.59-72. ® SK 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Linhas de ruptura. Teoria e pratica. Rio de Janeiro,A0 Livro Tecnico S.A., !962. 1943, (Ikke digitaliseret)