Standardiserede Vurderinger. Biologiskstatistisk Belysning af større og mindre Grupper. Hft.1—3. 1944, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Räkenskaper for industri, Bokföring och själfkostnadsheräkning. 1944, Frykholm, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Einführung in die Schwingungserzeugung elektrischer Ultrakurzwellen. 1944, Klinger, H.H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Plastics. A simplified presentation of the manufacture and use of the important plastics materials and products with tables of their properties and the basic design information required by engineers and designers. 1944, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The simple calculation of electrical transients. An elementary treatment of transient problems in linear electrical circuits,by Heaviside’s operationel method. 1944, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Photography by artificial light at home, in the street and at the theatre. L 1944, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Falcks Redningskorps Odense, A/S Falck paa Fyn i 25 Aar. 1919 - 1.April -1944. Af H.Duelund. De danske Redningskorps Fællesforbimd. 1944, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Waves. A mathematical account of the common types of wave motion. 1944, Coulson, G.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)