V/ater works engineering. The journal of the water works profession since 1877. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Passage of liquids, vapors and dissolved materials through softwoods. Washington, U.S.Dept. of Agriculture,1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A study of generalized hyperbolic potentials with some physical applications. Lund Piss.1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dansk MøIleindustri. Udg.af Foreningen af Danske Ilandelsmøller. u.St.1946. 1946, Møller, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Selected bibliography on radar. Compiled by the staff of Northwestern Technological Institute Library. Evanston,111.,1946 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Memorandum vedrørende Thyborøn-Spørgsmålet. [Udgivet i Anledning af den Omtale, der er givet af Firmaet Christiani og Nielsens Forslag til Thyborøn-spørgsmålets Løsning i Lovforslaget af 8.Marts 1946]. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Galois theory. Lectures delivered at the University of Notre Dame. Edited and supplemented with a section on applications by A.N.Milgram. 1946, Artin, E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hvor stor en Hel af Indtægten unddrager Skattesnyderne det Offentlige? 1946, Jørgensen, H.C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Guide to contractor’s plant. Intended for civil engineering and building contractors agents, buyers and plant engineers. 1946, Green, N.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The aircraft year book. Editor:H.Mingos. Official publication of Aircraft Industries Ass. of America. New York,Lanciar Publishers. 28.annual ed. 1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)