Preparation, properties, and technology of fluorine and organic fluoro compounds. 1951, Slesser, Q., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Versuche an einem raschlaufenden Zweitakt-G-egenkolben-Dieselmotor. 1951, Abdelfattah, A.I.I., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The health of welders. London,H.M.Station-eiy Office,1951. 1951, Doig, A.T.; Duguid, L.N., (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Arbejderbeskyttelsen og samaritergerningen i Danmark. Hovedred.:E.Boeh, H.Tramsen og C.Wagner. [Bd.]l#- 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Woodworking industry management, Organisations, estimating and costing. LondonjNewness, 1951 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bibliography of interlingual scientific and technical dictionaries. Paris, 1951. 1951, Holmstrom, J.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Labelled atoms. The use of radioactive and stable isotopes in biology and medicine. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Highways in the United States. U.S.department of commerce, Bureau of public roads. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Theory and application of Mathieu functions. Oxford,at the Clarendon press,1951. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Leitfaden der Keramik. Lehr- und Handbuch der keramischen Industrie. Dresden,Verlag ”Die Glashütte” Fahdt,1951. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Massachusetts institute of technology. Abstracts of theses accepted ... Cambridge,Mass. 1951 - ukpl. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)