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Albis Telephon-Anlagen. Die neue Albiswerk-Schaltung für die Musterausführung der PTT Telephonstation Modell 1950. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-American council on productivity. Grey ironfounding. Report of a visit to the U.S.A. in 1950 of a productivity team representing the grey ironfounding industry. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Indium. Discovery, occurrence, development, physical and chemical characteristics and a bibliography of indium (annotated) 1863-1949 inclusive. 1950, Ludwick, M.T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Den moderne resultatanalyse. Nogle principielle betragtninger over den kortperiodiske resultatberegnings gennemførelse og indhold. 1950, Hansen, P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ordinary non-linear differential equations in engineering and physical sciences. Oxford at the Clarendon Press,1950. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
La recherche chimique appliquée aux U.S.A. Rapport de la Mission française de la productivité. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Australian institute of management. Management digest. Adelaide 1950-61. V0I.6-I6. ukpl. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Beton. [] Dansk ingeniørforenings arbejdsgruppe for beton og jernbeton. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)