Space communications: Theory and applications. A bibliography. Compiled by R.F. Filipowsky a.o. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Quadrupolhyperfeinstruktur und interne Rotation im Mikrowellenspektrum von 2-Brompropen. 'JO s. 1963, Benz, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Science, technology, and development. United States papers prepared for the United Nations conference on the application of science and technology for the benefit of the less developed areas. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Solid state physics. the Cultural center of the French embassy. 1963, Friedel, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
mann Analysis of failure data for electronic equipment;at Riso. 1963, Jensen, A.; Rasmussen, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
MAAG Taschenbuch. Berechnung und Herstellung von Zahnrädern und Zahnradgetrieben für Konstrukteure und Betriebsleute. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Modern welded structures. A series of reports reviewing recent designs of buildings, bridges and other structures. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Uber die Umsetzung von Aceton in Macetonalkohol unter dem Einfluss von Calciumhydroxyd. 1963, Hölenann, P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
A practical method, for calculation of the heat losses into the ground from buildings erected immediately on the ground. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Thermal analysis of high polymers. Ed.hy B.Ke. American chemical society symposium held at 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)