0 skleivanii i prilipanil. Moskva, Izd..Akad..Nauk SSSR,1956. 168 s. 1956, Krotova, N.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Talks on electricity; its application to radio and light. 2®ed. Vol.l. Eindhoven, Philips. Gloeilampenfahrieken,1956 (Philips. technical library., ______ 1956, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Festigkeitsuntersuchungen an Klebverbindungen zwischen Schleif- und Trag-kbrpern. 1956, Greiner, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Handbook of semiconductor electronics. A practical manual covering the physics, technology, and circuit applications of transistors, diodes, and photocells. 1956, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Digital calculating machines and their application to scientific and engineering work. 1956, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Wilson,W.Ker Practical solution of torsional vibration problems. With examples from marine, electrical, aeronautical, and automobile engineering practice. 1956, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Radartechnik (Funkmesstechnik), Grund™ lagen und Anwendung. Leipzig,Fachbuchverlag o1956o IO 1956, (Ikke digitaliseret)