Dictionary of photography and motion picture engineering and related topicse Void. Berlin-Borsigwalde,Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik GmbH,, Void: 1958, Grau, V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Soversenstvovanie techniceskogo kontrolja koksochimiceskogo proizvodstva. Sbornik statej. [Red.af] V.E. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Study abroad. International handbook. Fellowships, scholarships, educational exchange. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Growth and perfection of crystals. Proceedings of an International conference on crystal growth held at Cooperstown, N.Y. 1958. Sponsored by Air force office of scientific research, Air research and development command and the General electric research laboratory. Ed.by R.H. Doremus, B.W.Roberts and D.Turnbull. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Magnetische und physikalische Untersuchungen über den Einfluss des Nickels auf Starkstrom-Transformatorenkernmate-rialien 1958, Bose, D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Human factors. The journal of the Human factors society, Hew York 1958/59- 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
List of hydraulic and ship research laboratories in Europe. 1958, Brearley, R.J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Index vocabulorum quadrilinquis. Verf en vernis; Peintures et vernis; Paint and varnish; Farte und Lack. den Haag, Vereniging van Vernis- en Verffabri-kanten in Nederland,1958. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Radioteknikkens elektriske grundbegrebero København,Forlaget Ivar - Teknisk Littera-tur,1958o 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The Queen’s Highway,, The journal of the Asphalt Roads Association (AcR,Ao) 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)