The factory. Fundamental problems of materials, labour, overhead, plant, manufacture management, and economic control. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Highway practice in the United States of America. History, administration, finance. Systems and standards. Location and design. Construction and maintenance. Washington,,1949. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Supervision. The magazine of industrial relations and operating management. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Experimental investigation .of a stationary cascade of aerodynamic profiles. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
M1111ng. The design, selection, application and maintenance of m1111ng cutters; examples of economical and unusual m1111ng operations. London,The Machinery Publ.Co., u.â.tea.1949]. 1949, Theegarten, A.; Geyer, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-American council on productivity. Rayon weaving. Report of a visit to the U.S.A. in 1949 of a productivity team representing the rayon weaving industry. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Subsurface exploration and sampling of soils for civil engineering purposes. Report on a research project of the Committee on sampling ... American society of civil engineers. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Veröffentlichungen zur Erforschung der Druckstossprohleme in Vasserkraftanlagen und Rohrleitungen. Heft 1-2. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften der Metalloxyde. Ein Beitrag zur theoretischen Hüttenkunde. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The fundamentals of gas turbine technology. London,Power Jets (Research and development) ,1949. 1949, (Ikke digitaliseret)