Radio for merchant ships. Performance specification for a lifeboat portable radio equipment, London,H.M.stationery off.,1950. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Krisenempfindlichkeit der sanktgallischen Textilindustrie und Vorschlag zu deren Verminderung. 1950, Köhler, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Aalborg statistiske kontor. Statistiske og økonomiske efterretninger om Aalborg. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
International railway congress association. Monthly bulletin: Electric traction on the railways. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-American council on productivity. Internal combustion engines. Report of a visit to the U.S.A. in 1949 of a productivity team representing the internal combustion engine industry. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Gewinnung, Aufbereitung, Veredlung und Verwendung von Talk,Talkmagnesit und Glimmertalkum. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Consejo Superior de investigaciones cien-tificas. Memoria del Patronato "Alfonso el Sabio" de matematicas, fisica y quimica 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Market research sources. A guide to information on domestic marketing. Washington,U.S. Department of Commerce,1950. 1950, Randall, L.E.; Sharpnack, D.M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sveriges industribibliotek och tekniska fackbibliotek. 1950, Engel, E.; Hillbo, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Techniques of plant maintenance 1950. Proceedings of the first Plant maintenance conference, held in Cleveland,0., January 16-19, 1950. Part 1-2. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bibliography of recent research in the field of high polymers. By R.Simha a.o. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Det nye apotek, af J.G.Andersen m.fl. København, Dansk Darmaceutfor .Porl. ,1950. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Manual of analytical methods for the determination of uranium and thorium in their ores. Washington,, 1950. 1950, (Ikke digitaliseret)