Techniques of landscape architecture. Ed. for the Institute of landscape architects. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Masinnyj perevod. Red.:E.M.Dekanosidze i A.I.filiasvili. Tbilisi,Izd-vo "Mecniereba", 1967. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Svahn,0, och P.Boije Okonventionella bearbetningsmetoder -en översikt. Sammenslutningen af arbejdsgivere indenfor jern- og metalindustrien i Danmark. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Fluidics quarterly. The published forum for research and development in fluidics. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Design and descriptive geometry problems. [Vol.]l. By J.H.Earle a.o. Reading,Mass. Addison-Wesley,1967. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Methods of long-term projection of requirements for and supply 0f qualified manpower. 1967, Goldstein, H.; Swerdloff, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Water requirements and uses in Wyoming mineral industries. 1967, Gilkey, M.M.; Stotelmeyer, R.B., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Fundamentals of gas-surface interactions. (Proceedings of the symposium held at San Diego,Calif. 1966). H.Saltsburg, J. N.Smith,jr. and M.Rogers. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Darstellung von vernetzten makromolekularen Stoffen mit unterschiedlicher chemischer Konstitution und ihre Anwendung in der Gelchromatographie. 1967, Wulgaris, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
LichtBerechnungen und Lichtmessungen. Einführung in das System der lichttechnischen Grössens und Einheiten und in die Photometrie. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Compilation of chemical compositions and rupture strengths of super-strength alloys. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)